Today I am saying So What!....
-To the fact that I have been on three interviews in the last two weeks, I have a second interview tonight and another interview next Tuesday
- That over the past three weeks my car hasn't started three times (once in the Giant parking lot with a trunk full of groceries and a VERY fussy and hungry Maggie) and has had to be towed twice (the last time was this morning), and we finally (hopefully) got the issued resolved today to the tune of $250...(Oh and the hubs car was in the shop last week for new struts.....)
-Therefore, my header still says January and I have not blogged. Honestly, I have felt guilty about it (which is insane) but see above.
- All this upheaval has made me delve into my favorite angst ridden teenage tunes.
Like this
and this....
-On a happier note, I have been finding some deals. Mags got the Fisher Price Little People Disney Castle for Christmas, and a month later we discovered that the princesses sing their different songs, when placed on a certain button. So now she MUST HAVE ALL THE PRINCESSES (so says her mother). The other day one of my fave coupon sites Hip2Save alerted me to the fact that the Ariel carriage was on sale on Amazon for $10, orgianally $25. I jsut so happened to have a $5 credit, so I got it for $5!
And then I got another $5 credit to Amazon and got Belle and Beast, too. Woohoo! Practically free Valentine's and Easter gifts!
- So what, to the fact that I am REALLY loving that new show "The Following", even though some people find it icky....I have always enjoyed psychological thrillers.
- Also, yesterday was the hub's 30th birthday. Happy birthday to best guy in the whole wide world!!!
- And this
aka a happy little girl watching "The Little Mermaid" for the first time |
Hope you're having a great day!!