To be completely honest when I first heard of the Juppy Baby Walker, I had no idea what it was. But when I finally found it what it was used for, I couldn't sign up to review it fast enough.
Mags loves to crawl and she loves to cruise, but she is uber hesitant when it comes to walking on her own. She will walk with us, when we hold both her hands, but one hand makes her anxious and obviously she has never tried to walk on her own.
Juppy Baby Walker to the rescue! The Juppy helps to build a non-walker's confidence. They get to technically walk on their own, with a little assistance from Mom or Dad.
Check out this video to learn more.....
And here are a few pics of Mags trying the Juppy out for the first time....
I think this is a great idea. It really helps to encourage the walking skill. I am hoping that after using this for a little more time, Maggie will gain the confidence to try walking on her own.
I also love that it is very portable and comes with its own carrying case that can easily slip into my purse or the diaper bag, so we can have her walking outside. It gets a little cumbersome carrying Mags all the time, and this provides a nice alternative!
Check out Juppy here:
And I get to share the fun as well! One lucky winner will get to have a Juppy Walker of their own.
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The giveaway will end next Friday, September 30th at midnight. The winner will be chosen by Random.org and will be announced next Saturday, October the 1st. Good Luck!