So even though Spring officially began about a month ago, Mother Nature hasn't exactly been cooperating....until now.
It all began with a relatively beautiful weekend. The sun wasn't on perma-shine, but it was nice nonetheless. Friday, we had a relaxed evening and watched "The Black Swan" (which I highly recommend). Then Saturday we headed over to the hub's school for their Spring Fest. It was at that time we realized that Mag's tooth had finally popped through. It is just the tippy top of the tooth, but we both felt it and it is there. Mags had been up in the middle of the night and I was curious, but it wasn't confirmed till we were sitting there at the variety show.....too funny. Then we went home and continued relaxing. I didn't get any pics of Mags at the actual event, but she looked so cute I had to have a little photo shoot before she went to bed....

And then today is just beautiful, so we had to go out and partake. Daddy suggested that we see what Mags thought about the grass. Unfortunately I couldn't put her directly on it because the ground was a little wet, but she did explore a little bit.
I came to your blog from Kelle Hampton and just wanted to say hi!
Your daughter is gorgeous! I love all the pastels she's wearing - so perfect for spring!
I love the watermelon onesie, she looks so cute in that outift!
your baby is toooooo cute! I mean, seriously, gorgeous! She's very photogenic.
It IS crazy that she is exactly 4 months older than my little Chloe. It's nice to see what I have to look forward too!
Your blog is adorable, by the way!
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