So about 3 months ago I was telling you guys that I was super excited because we were Beach Bound Baby, but I never followed up to tell you how it went. Because to be honest, it wasn't as great as I had hoped. Don't get me wrong, we had fun, but there were a few bumps in the road. The day went well, but the night time was not as fun. First of all we were at the beach, but there was snow every where and it was really cold. Then, I forgot my pajamas, which sounds pretty innocuous, but if you're away from home and sleeping in a strange bed, you want some cozy jammies. Then Maggie went down ok, but when we went to bed she woke up just about every hour on the hour. Not fun. We realized the next morning that the issue was probably that she was cold. So cold weather and no sleep for Mommy, Daddy or Mags, made the first beach excursion seem like somewhat of a bust.
Fast forward three months. Saturday was in the 50's and the sun was out most of the day. I made sure that I had my pajamas and even grabbed an extra pair on my way out to be sure (LOL). We had a great day visiting with the family and watching the Phillies win.
Then that night I put on my comfy pjs and again Maggie went down very easily. This time Mags was super cozy and didn't wake up once during the night.
And then Sunday was beautiful so we walked down to the beach and it made it really feel like an official beach trip.
Verdict? Beach during the Beach in the spring.....awesome!
Hope you're having a great Monday!
That sounds like a MUCH better experience! YAY for the Phillies! We were just thrilled to pieces!
I came to your blog from Kelle Hampton and just wanted to say hi!!
Your little girl is just precious! It's always a bummer when vacations don't turn out quite as well as planned, but glad you got another go around.
I have a fun giveaway on my blog today! You should come check it out :)
I saw your blog on Top Mommy Blogs (I'm and just wanted to say hello!
Great pictures! I love her sunglasses in the beach ones!
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