Happy Mother's Day
Wow, I really can't believe that this weekend will be my first Mother's Day. I honestly never thought that this day would come. Last year I did get a very nice card from the hubs (on behalf of our little girl still incubating), but this year it will all be more real because she will be here with us to celebrate. And that is the best part...just having her here to snuggle and kiss on. I am just so blessed and tickled pink, to be her mommy.
Here are a few pics from our day outside yesterday....
Um excuse our CRAZY outfit, we had a little accident before we came out and I didn't want to waste another pair of pants, and I also wanted a lighter jacket...Oh well, she pulls it off!
AHHH yet another pattern...avert your eyes!!!
Sorry for the extreme close-up...But what do you think, any resemblance?So here's wishing you all a wonderful Mother's Day. Hope your day is relaxing and everything you wished for. And of course, I can't miss this opportunity to say a big 'ol, "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!" to my mom. Mom, I am so lucky to be your daughter and Maggie is SUPER lucky to have you as her Grammy. We are so fortunate to have you in our lives.
Have a great weekend!

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