Anyways you, my little Magsterino are 11 months old and you are really starting to show us that personality. For the most part your are sunshine and giggles, but over the past couple of weeks you have shown some impatience and anger. You become VERY impatient if your bottle is not given to you when you see it and on our little vacay (promise the posts are coming soon) when we tried to take your dolly away to go out, you held onto the doll with all your might and when it was taken away you get extremely upset!!! (For the record we let you take the doll with you, because I had never seen you so adamant about holding on to a toy, but the minute we reached the restaurant the menu was much more interesting.)
Last week you decided to crawl. You moved with no hesitation, like you had been doing it for ages and you didn't seem to understand what all the fuss was about. You were completely unfazed. You LOVE your books. You are content to sit with them for quite some time, flipping through the pages and reading to yourself. You also love being read to. This makes mommy and daddy VERY happy. You also love to sit an spin, not on the actual toy, just on the ground. Maybe we will have to get you that toy for your bday.
You love the stand, everywhere, but your fave spot is on the couch because you can see out the window. We went in the big pool for the first time last week and you were in heaven. You really enjoyed kicking your little legs and you didn't even seem to mind when you splashed yourself in the face. You really like being around other kids and I can tell that you want to interact. Right now your only interaction seems to be grabbing at them and occasionally poking them in the eyes...we're working on that.
You are still my little cuddle bug and I cannot express how amazing it is to feel your little arms around my neck, as you really give me a squeeze. I feel so loved in your little embrace.
So the year is drawing to a close and birthday plans are being locked in. I can't wait to see what this next month has in store or us!
This is what I get now when I try to just sit Mags down and take her picture...action shots. LOL
Hope you're having a great Monday!