So we left early Saturday morning and we totally lucked out and didn't hit a stitch of traffic. Mags was a great little traveler until the very end of the trip. It seems like she may have been dealing with some constipation issues and we could tell that she was really feeling it. I hate to see her so uncomfortable and upset! We finally got to Ocean City and Mags seemed to be feeling a little better. We went straight to the condo and my family was there to greet us. Mags was still a little teary when we arrived, but the minute she saw her Grammy she perked right up and all the bad stuff was forgotten.
We went up and had lunch and decided to forgo a nap for Mags and just head out to the beach.
A little later we got her pictures taken by the Scopes guy (For those unfamiliar: Telescope pictures are tiny pictures in little telescope key chains. They are really cool and really expensive, but since it was Mags 1st time in Ocean City we decided what the heck. Thank you Grammy!!!!). She was such a little model and the guy was really impressed with how well she acted. After that she was a little sandy, so we arduously filled up a little pool that my mom had and sat her in that. Again I wasn't sure how she would react because the water was pretty cold, but she LOVED it. She played with her toys and splashed about.
After that we decided to take her up to the big pool. It was her first time in a full size and she really enjoyed herself. The pool is heated, so that helped and she loved kicking her legs and spinning around.
After a little time in the pool we decided to put Mags down for a nap, and she feel right to sleep. After her nap we decided to go out to dinner. I dressed Mags up in one of her pretty dresses and she sat waiting for us to get ready, playing with her dolly.
When it was time to leave I attempted to take the doll away because we were walking to the restaurant on a very busy street and I was afraid she might toss the doll into the street. Well I say that I attempted to take the doll away, because little Mags had quite the death grip on her doll. I did eventually rest the doll away from her and it made her really upset. She has never gotten upset when we take a toy away, so I was really surprised.
I decided to let her take the doll on our walk and she held on to the doll very tightly the entire way. But the minute we got to the restaurant she beame distracted by the shiny, plastic menus and she literally dropped the doll on the floor.
She was so good during dinner and charmed everyone around her.
After dinner we went home and put Mags to bed. Unfortunately for whatever reason, we did not have a good night of sleep. Mags was up several times and just couldn't seem to get comfortable. The next morning she had us up early and we were all VERY tired. We went out to breakfast and she was in very good spirits. You could not tell that she had a bad night's sleep the night before and a couple of patrons commented on what a happy baby she was.
After breakfast we went back to the condo and hung out because it was a yucky, rainy day out. My family decided since the weather wasn't any good that they would head home early. Mags was down for a nap when they left and I swear when she woke up she was curious as to where her adoring public had gone. LOL That night we hung out and spent the night in.
And thus concludes the report on the first part of our amazing mini-vacay. Stay tuned for the next installment!
Hope you're having a terrific Tuesday!