Mags was up the next morning at 5:30 (because of a poopy diaper), which was a little rough on Mommy and Daddy, who hadn't gone to bed until 12:30am. So after some Dunkin Donuts coffee recharging, we headed out to the beach. Mags had a great time in her little pool and really enjoyed standing with the assistance of Daddy and his chair (Standing= favorite new pastime). I actaully got to go in the water..A. because it was so nice and warm and B. because I had people to go in the water with (hubs does not do the ocean water). It was so nice and relaxing, just what I needed.
We had a delicious dinner and afterwards, we went to a little ice cream shop, Steak and Shake, for the first time. It was spectacular, and it had a very extensive menu, which of course means that we will have to visit it multiple times to try everything...oh the horror.
That night was a little rough for the Magster. We think that she is working on another tooth on the bottom, evidenced by the fact that she is constantly sucking on her bottom gum and exploring it with her tongue. Again, not a lot of sleep was had for any of us.
Sunday we had a quiet day because the weather wasn't that great.
Yesterday, we relaxed and re-cooped, because although our weekend was fun, the lack of sleep was tough. But overall, a great time! No parades or fireworks for Mags this year, but next year that is most assuredly on the agenda.
How was your 4th? Hope you had a great one!