Monday, May 9, 2011

My First Mother's Day

I couldn't have asked for anything better.....

It was a beautiful day weather wise, I got to sleep in, hubs cooked me an amazing breakfast AND dinner, he also baked me a scrumptious cake and I got to spend the entire day just loving and kissing on my sweet little girl. And like the cherry on a delicioso sundae, we made it to the park and it was splendorous......

And technically not from Mother's Day, but come on......I couldn't resist......

And finally as if my heart could take anymore, this was my mother's day gift from the Magster (aka the hubs did good)......

Now there is tangible proof that this little girl has my heart. To say that it was a magical day, would be the ultimate understatement.

Hope that all the mommies had a great day yesterday and that you are having a awesome Monday!


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