Friday, May 13, 2011

It's Friday, Friday

Quick update: Maggie is doing great after the accident on Tuesday. Like I said, you can't really even tell anything happened to her. Also, I would like to thank everyone for their kind words. I really appreciate it.

Now back to the sunshine and fluff....

First of all, TGIF. Very glad that this week is over.

Second, I am doing a little guest posting over at a sorta fairytale today. I talk about blogging and how I got into it, and I even explain how I came up with my blog name....very interesting stuff (well not really...LOL). Super shout out to Mandy for giving me this opportunity on her awesome blog!

Third, I am super tired because Stroller Bootcamp royally kicked my tush this morning, so no more words... just pictures.....

Mags and I spent some time outside yesterday, soaking up the beautiful weather.

Have a great weekend!


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