Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tuesday Tidbits

Hello, happy Tuesday!  Hope that this finds you well!!!

Just stopping in with some things...

First, 74 more days....

Second, I just finished "Carry the One" by Carol Anshaw, and I highly recommend it.  I wouldn't consider it a light, beach read, but it was really good.  The plot is really interesting and I like how she cycled through the narrators, to show the story over time from different perspectives.

Carry the One: A Novel

I returned it to the library today (yep, kicking it old school) and I had four more books to pick up that I had put on hold.  I don't think I am going to post a summer reading list, but I will keep you updated as I finish the books, and let you know what I recommend.
Next up to read is, "These Girls" by Sarah Pekkanen....

Third, my sister came to me the other day asking some questions about credit cards. I was honest with her and said that I am really the last person that should be giving credit card advice.  I am not a big fan of credit cards and we don't really use them right now.  My advice to her was to have one credit card, to establish good credit and pay it off every month.  Hope she listens!

And finally, this...
Picnic at the Park on Sunday

Hope you're having a great day!!!

*This post may contain affiliate links.

1 comment:

Erin Branscom said...

I am going to check this book out! I was thinking about it but now I am going to for sure look into it! :)


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