Daddy and Mags, hanging out in the coldYep we were hit hard by the recent ice storm. Yesterday morning we lost power for about 5 hours, and when we called in around noon to see the status of our power returning, they said our power would be restored by 11:59.....PM. We immediately started packing up to head over to my in-laws. The house was starting to get really cold and I knew we couldn't last till midnight. So of course as we finish packing and as Brian is warming up the car, the electricity comes back on. Thanks goodness! Brian was home with us all day and we had a ton o' fun. Lots of relaxing and snuggling under the covers.
I am so done with this winter. I am not a big fan of winter to begin with, but all this mess is ridiculous. I am so glad Phil is predicting an early spring, because I am ready. I am even preparing little Mags for the upcoming awesome summer.
How cute is this bathing suit? I LOVE it! Thank you Christmas gift cards!Come on Memorial Day!!!!!!
Also, want to send a thank you out to Dawn at
Mom-a-logues for sponsoring a Babylegs giveaway which I won! I am so stoked, cause I love dressing Magster in some adorable Babylegs.
And finally don't forget about my
Shutterfly Giveaway. It ends tomorrow at 12am, so you can hopefully get your Valentine's Day cards in time.
Hope you are enjoying your Thursday! We are on our way to the Dr's this afternoon, so wish us luck....

I love the bathing suit! We've got to get Nora one too. We love BabyLegs convenient and cute! :) Glad your electricity came back on quickly!
Good luck at the doctor's - I had a not-so-nice visit this morning :( The cold I've had for the past month might be asthma...
I can't wait for summer, either - that new suit is supercute!
That swimsuit is indeed very cute!
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