This is going to be quite a jam packed weekend. And the main reason for all the hub-bub, why the Superbowl of course......j/k it's the hubby's birthday! Yep that's right, tomorrow my wonderful hubby is one year older.
So the festivities begin this evening with us heading over to one of our fave restaurants, where Brian claims he is going to eat his face off. He has been craving their fish and chips for awhile now, and he's going to complete the meal with his ultimate fave, a Guiness.
Then tomorrow we are heading over to the in-laws for Brian's traditional Thanksgiving Redux Birthday dinner. This boy loves his turkey and stuffing and he looks forward to having it again on his birthday. We are also leaving Maggie for the first time overnight with her Nana and PopPop. This should be interesting. Mommy is very anxious about it already.
Then on Sunday we are heading over to a friend's house for a Superbowl party. And at this party, Maggie will also be meeting her future husband for the first time. Our friend Kristen, called dibs on our offspring before I was even pregnant. When we found out that it was a girl, the plan was solidified. Kristen has two A-dorable little boys, and her youngest Aaron is just a couple of months older than Mags. They have never met, but we are sure that it will be love at first sight!
So needless to say this weekend is going to be busy, but fun! What are your plans for the weekend? Hope you have great one!

That sounds like an awesome weekend! Hope you had fun : ) First time leaves are hard. Don't worry. : ) I bet she slept all night and didn't even miss you : )
Oh Well happy birthday to your hubs! My plans for this weekend included and still have to be done cleaning for our super bowl party and making every dip imaginable...
My son has a little girl that comes over and plays with him that is two weeeks older than him and he's really sweet on her sometimes...other times he's jealous if I'm holding her.
Anyway, just blog surfing and decided to stop by.
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