It was all quite an experience. I knew at some point that Mags would get sick, but I don't think I was prepared for how helpless she looked and how helpless it made me feel. There is basically nothing I can do right now to make her feel better. When she's older there's Pepto, dry toast, Tums, and flat soda (my #1 fave remedy). But for right now, all I can do is try to make her as comfortable as possible and keep her hydrated. I keep flashing back to her looking up at me with her sad, sad eyes as she kept getting sick and I just felt so powerless. Not a fun feeling.
Hopefully this is a passing sickness and I will have my happy, energetic little girl back very soon.....
Onto the good news, I never posted about this on here before, because well I couldn't, but I actually pulled off a surprise birthday party for the hubs on Saturday. I invited a bunch of our friends to a local restaurant/bar, got his favorite cake and some decorations, and somehow managed to keep it all secret for almost a month. A lot of people were surprised that I kept the secret, but the truth is I can KEEP a secret, I just end up figuring/finding secrets out when they pertain to me. That is a whole nother thing!
So the party pretty much went off without a hitch. Brian was very pleasantly surprised and even he was shocked that I was able to keep this secret for so long. We had a great time and I am so glad so many of our friends could make it out to celebrate my awesome guy!
Then Sunday we went to a Superbowl party, where Mags met her potential husband. It was love at first poke! Aaron (the future hubby) sauntered over to Maggie, assessed the situation and promptly poked her in the eye. After getting over her initial anger at this indignity, at the next opportunity, Mags proceed to poke Aaron in the eye. I guess these kids have some things to work out.
It was a great weekend and a ton o' fun was had by all. Now we just need to kick this stomach bug to the curb and things will be a-ok again! Please send healthy vibes our way.
Hope you had a great Tuesday!
Oh I hope Maggie feels much better soon! Thinking of you guys.
Hope she feels better soon. My little one was down for the count yesterday too, a cold not a stomach bug.
Ah! Sending Healthy Vibes your way! I hope Maggie feels better! I also hope you routed for the Packers! Just kidding! ;)
Thanks guys for all the healthy vibes. So far so good today, hopefully we are on the mend!
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