Mags fell asleep for a little while, but when I got into to bed at 10:30pm she was awake and started to get fussy. This went on for awhile and then quickly escalated to all out crying. We tried everything. I changed her diaper, we walked around....but nothing worked. By about 12am, we were getting desperate. We knew that the culprit was her constipation, but we didn't know how to remedy it. We tried massaging her tummy and bicycling her legs. Nothing seemed to relieve the pressure. Her stomach was greatly distended and hard as a rock. Finally we decided to try the thermometer trick. She had no problem with the thermometer and we were fine until she started moving her bowels. I have never seen her in so much pain. We had her laying on the bed and she was writhing around so much, that she almost flipped herself completely off the bed, even thought Brian was holding her. After all of that, she fell asleep pretty quickly.
The next morning she was up at her normal time, which meant she only had 6 hours of sleep. She went down pretty quickly for her morning nap and slept for 3 hours. After her nap we went outside for our four generations pictures, but since she was still a little tired and it was a little cold, she didn't smile for ONE of the pictures! Oh well, they still look pretty good and once the hubs has finished editing them I will post some.
That night we had a birthday dinner for my grandmother and we had a great time. The food was awesome (way to go Mom) and the conversation lively! We got Mags up from her evening nap and at first she was in a great mood, real energetic and giggly, but after her bottle she got super sleepy again. Of course, I still tried to take some pics......
Yea she wasn't having it (but honestly between the picture taking she was in a pretty good mood, I guess she just wasn't in the mood for modeling). So we went to bed pretty early, because we were all pretty tired and luckily that night was blissfully uneventful. We woke up the next morning, an hour later and had a yummy breakfast. We spent some more time hanging with the family and then we hit the road. It was a looooooooong ride home, but we finally made it.
We had so much fun this weekend (despite the trials) and we love hanging out with our family, but it is always so good to come home. You can really tell that Mags knows her home and really appreciates it. She slept in this morning and went down early for her morning nap. I think she is still recovering and should be back to her normal, energetic self soon!
On another note, I am teaming up with CSN again to do a little review. I am having a hard time figuring out what to choose because CSN stores sell everything from cookware to wooden swing sets for the kids. But I will pick something and I will definitely keep you posted.
Hope you had a great weekend and that you are having a wonderful Monday!
We've had variable success traveling with Nora. Sometimes it goes well, and sometimes she is just a mess the entire weekend. I hope Ms. Maggie gets back on track easily. :)
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