Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter 2012-Part I

So since the hubs was on Spring Break this past week, I decided to take a little bloggy Spring Break, so now I'm back with what we were up to last week, of course starting with Easter.

Saturday night we dyed eggs with Maggie for the first time. She wasn't as messy about it as I thought she would be, but the whole idea was lost in translation to her and she was mostly just interested in playing with the colored water and the metal egg dipper. All was well, until she knocked over the entire tub of pink water and then when we took it away she got pretty upset. Overall, not exactly an egg dyeing with toddler success, but I'm glad we at least tried it....

Mags had some trouble sleeping Saturday night, so she slept in a little later on Sunday. No biggie! The day was pretty low key, so we just rolled with it.

As you can see the peeps were a big hit. She wasn't a hug fan of actually eating them, later, but she loved the crinkly paper they were packaged in.

She was so cute with her Easter basket. She took out each piece and really looked at it and then placed it on the coffee table. I expected a little more chaos, but she was so dainty about it!

When she picked out this activity book, she ran off into her room, and I thought, "Oh well, guess she's done with the basket...". Nope, she was just getting her crayons to color in it...LOL!


After opening her Easter basket from us and then having some yummy eggs for breakfast, it was off to Nana and PopPop's.

PopPop & Mags: 2011/2012

Then it was on to Uncle Spike's and Aunt Audrey's for a visit....

Part II tomorrow! Hope you're having a great Monday!

PS: Don't forget to enter the sneekpeaq ends on Wednesday.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

She is such a cutie, looks like she had a great time!


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