Monday: Hanging with Maggie during the day; Tutoring in the evening
Tuesday: Me and the Magster all day
Wednesday: Mommy and Maggie; Tutoring in the evening
Thursday: Maggie Time; Tutoring at night
Friday: Maggie and Me all day
Saturday: Hanging out with the fam
Sunday: More of the above
# Day 27 – my worst habit
I am not the tidiest person. I wish that I was better about keeping things neat and tidy in our home.
# Day 28 – what’s in my handbag/purse
Nothing too exciting. Normally my phone, keys, tissues, makeup, mints....
#Day 29 – hopes,dreams, plans for the next 365 days
I would just like to raise a healthy and happy little girl. I would like to be able to stay home with her as long as possible. I want to continue building and growing in my relationship with my wonderful husband. I would like to be happy and healthy myself.
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