It started (like most weekends) on Friday with a short but sweet happy hour. When the hubs and I were working for the same school, we became very close with some of our co-workers and our happy hours were leg-en-dary. They normally started around 4:30pm and ended when someone passed out (some earlier than others {not my fault...damn you BL!!!}) .
This happy hour seemed to reflect our new lot in life. We came, we laughed, drank one beer and got home before 8pm. My {new} kind of happy hour.
The entertainment for the daughter. And that's pretty normal because of her cuteness and squeezability...But tonight in an effort to make her look hip and trendy, mommy dressed Mags in her first pair of jean. The label said 3-6 months and considering we are well into our third month...I mean I did notice they were a little big, but I did not realize the real faux pas until we were at the restaurant....

Oh well...quite the comic relief. Then on Saturday we were up and out, on our way across the Mason Dixon to meet and greet with my brother and his fiancee's bridal party at my mom's house. Quite the shindig and after sleeping the whole way down, Magsterpoo (dude, this girl has more nicknames...) was quite the belle o' da ball (Oh The Office how I love thee). She was so friendly and had a smile for everyone... even the somewhat scary man with the huge beard (Rick, you rock!).
Then Brian and I went out for a little night out with my bestie. We had some food (amazing cream of crab of the many thing MD does best), some drinks and a ton of fun. Afterwards we crept back into my parent's house (not a high school flashback, I promise Mom) and were pleasantly surprised to find Miss Maggie sleeping like a little angel (the last time we were at my Mom's Maggie slept for about 3 hours that night). We were up at 5am for a bottle, but then she went back to sleep and slept like a champ till 9am. We had a nice morning and then headed over to a friend's house for some tea and muffins (yummster!).
Finally, we headed home....
But we take it all home with us!

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