So since she was born our little Magerpie has been a little toasty girl. She was happiest in the least amount of clothing and if we tried to put anything more on she was miserable. And a blanket at night?? Forget about it.
Lately, we have been having a little trouble sleeping through the night and for the most part I was blaming it all on the possibility of teething discomfort. But then it came to the hubs and I almost simultaneously...maybe Mags is cold at night. The pjs we were putting her in were footed, but they were a light cotton and the temps have been dipping below freezing, so maybe that was the disturbance.
So the other day after the Dr. appt {Update: Talked everything over with the Doc and from what we are experiencing, she is pretty much convinced that this is teething. She looked at Mags' gums and couldn't see anything brewing, but she says that this really does sound like teething.} I put Mags down for her nap and put her down with a blanket. She slept pretty well and didn't throw the blanket off like normal. Then last night we tried some heavier fleece pjs and a light blanket and it seems to have been a success. She was only up once and that was at 5am, so maybe she was starting to get up for the morning.
I am so glad the fuzzy pjs worked, because we have quite a few cute pairs and I had thought before she wouldn't want to wear them, but I guess frigid temps can change a little one's mind!
She totally did this on her own and she was cackling away like it was the funniest thing ever. So cute!
Don't forget about my CSN giveaway. Have a great Friday!
My daughter had the same issue. She never wants heavy clothes or blankets when she sleeps. Rather suddenly she started waking up in the middle of the night again very whiny and clingy but would generally go back to sleep quickly. My husband and I knew it was chilly and had turned on the heat and were wearing long sleeve pajamas, but she fought the sleeves and still kicked off the blanket. After the third night of waking up several times, I said screw it, we're going to find out if she's cold. So the next night (lows in the 30s) I put her in heavy fleece footed pajamas. She never woke and woke up with a smile. Problem solved. Silly kid. :)
TwitterID: Midnite592
Isn't it great when you finally figure out what the issue is??? Makes you feel like a master sleuth.
Everyone should wear bunnies for headwear! LOL - I am so glad you found your solution - and that it was warm, fuzzy, comfy pjs! So totally snuggly!
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