Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Don't rain on my parade

Bullying...quite the hot topic these days. Why? Not because it is a new phenomenon but because nowadays it has more dire outcomes. What causes a child to think that suicide is the only answer? How do I protect my daughter from the bullies themselves and then instill in her the confidence to rise above it when they inevitably get her? I'm not saying that I think my daughter will necessarily be a target for bullies, but it seems like no one is really immune. On the news yesterday the interviewed a girl who was beaten up because her "friends" decided she was too pretty. So you never know what will set someone off and make them hate someone else...

I don't have a solution and I don't mean to be a downer, but this is a topic that really concerns and upsets me. I was bullied when I was younger and it is something that I would not wish on anyone. Also, today is spirit day for Lesbian and Gay teens to let them know that they are not alone. I hope that everyone is wearing purple in support! Thanks for letting me vent, now some cute baby pics...

Oh you didn't know?? Maggie's in a band!

She's the lead singer and lead guitarist. She rocks!(literally)


TeeTee Lynn said...

Ugh. This is something I really worry about also. I had a pretty difficult time in high school with some kids, and I definitely don't want Nora to have to deal with the same things (or worse). I don't understand why people just can't be tolerant of each other. Yuck Yuck Yuck.

On to happier things though, Maggie is adorable as always. Rock on Cutie! :)

Sarah said...

Yea being bullied really hurts and I would hate for Maggie to experience that!
Thanks...she's still deciding if she wants to go punk or indie....


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